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Woman Flossing

Are You Flossing?

Is flossing something you really do every day, or is it a task that you fervently try to catch up on the night before your dental appointment? If you are like 70% of the American population, you don’t follow through on this important oral hygiene responsibility on a daily basis. While many patients understand the

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Dental Appointment Roswell GA

Why Your Dentist Needs to Know About Your Heart Condition

At any given moment of the day, bacteria can be found in your mouth. A visit to the dentist, even if it just involves a simple cleaning, may allow that bacteria to enter your bloodstream and potentially travel to the heart. For most patients, a strong immune system and healthy heart wards off any potential

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Gum Disease Roswell, GA

Gummy Smile Correction

Are you covering your smile due to the appearance of excess gum tissue? This common cosmetic setback is referred to as a “gummy smile” and it is typically out of your control. Unfortunately, even the most attractive teeth can be sabotaged when too much gum shows during a smile. The good news is that gummy

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Senior Adult Patient Roswell GA

Tooth Decay and the Aging Adult

Teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but they will always demand proper care to retain their condition. While it is common to focus on cavity prevention for kids, the aging adult is also susceptible to a certain type of decay. If you were born prior to the 1970’s, you may be facing root decay.

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Smiling Dental Patient Roswell GA

The Link Between Hydration and Oral Health

You probably already know that water is essential to human survival. In fact, our bodies are composed of nearly 60% water. Water allows us to remove wastes, distribute nutrients and keep our skin healthy. But the benefits of H20 don’t stop there. Water is equally important to your oral health, especially if you choose a

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Woman in Dentist Chair with Tooth Pain Roswell GA

Can a Cracked Tooth Be Saved?

Your teeth are remarkably strong. Unfortunately, they are not invincible. Teeth can crack or fracture under certain pressures. But don’t panic, a cracked tooth doesn’t mean you will lose your tooth. In fact, it may not even mean that you will need a major or costly repair. Here’s a closer look at what you can

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Teen Girl At Dentist Roswell, GA

Would Your Dentist Approve Your Back-to-School Snacks?

It’s time to head back to school! As you take the time to purchase the perfect binder, backpack or first day of school outfit, we invite you to also carefully consider the right snacks that you’ll send with your child each day. What your child requests and what is best for their teeth don’t always

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Boy with a mouthguard

Mouthguards and Youth Sports: Know the Facts

There are more than seven million recreation and sports-related injuries that occur annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Half of those injuries happen to young adults and children from the age of 24 years and younger. However, when the injury involves the mouth, it is almost always preventable. A custom mouthguard

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Dental Patient Roswell, GA

Detecting Oral Cancer at Home

Oral cancer is one of the most deadliest forms of cancer. But it doesn’t have to be that way. When oral cancer is detected early, it is easily and successfully treated in most cases. While your dentist will perform an oral cancer screening at your routine checkup each year, it is a task you can

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