Nothing compares to the pain you can experience when the nerve of a tooth is injured, fractured or infected. This type of dental pain can be excruciating and leave you unable to eat, sleep or even concentrate. This severe throbbing and shooting pain is often felt when the inner portion of a tooth is compromised.
The inner chamber (or pulp) of the tooth is the place where your highly sensitive tooth nerves reside. In a healthy tooth, the nerves are protected by strong layers of tooth structures, such as the dentin and enamel layer. However, things like a traumatic injury to the tooth or extensive decay can open up pathways to the inner tooth chamber, and your nerves will certainly let you know. This also means bacteria can enter the inside of your tooth, putting you at risk for painful infection.
Root Canal Saves Your Tooth and Your Sanity
Fortunately, there is a time-tested and effective treatment at your dental office that can bring you out of pain. It is an endodontic procedure called root canal therapy. Many people falsely assume that root canal therapy is painful, but it is quite the contrary. A root canal actually works to relieve your pain, eliminate your infection and save the tooth from dying.
What is Root Canal Therapy?
Getting rid of your tooth pain typically means removing the infected pulp inside the tooth. To do this, your dentist will make a small access hole in the top of your tooth and carefully take out the diseased or infected tissue from the inner chamber. Next, the area is thoroughly cleaned and sealed temporarily with a filling. Antibiotics may also be given to further fight the infection. After your tooth is healed, it is common for patients to get a dental crown. This restores strength and longevity to your tooth and allows it to feel, look and function just as it did before.
Still worried about your root canal procedure? Having tooth pain that you can’t ignore? Call Dr. Mitzi Morris today. We are experts at repairing your smile!